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Tel: +01.716.484.1148

Virtual Huddles

Virtual Huddle 04/09/2021

Having problems getting an appointment to get a COVID-19 Vaccine? Please see Eric Moffatt for assistance in finding a location!
Great News! We were able to close Quarter One with a Year to Date Net Operating Profit of:
This equals to a level 4 payout. These checks are being processed, and will be available sometime next week!
We need to focus on material consumption and cost spending to make a big impact in Quarter 2. 
Next Week Tuesday 4/13 we will be having first shift company huddle at 11:30 in the parking lot outside of the receiving bay. (pending weather)
Night Shift is being worked on for a time.
We will be going over our game plan to make the biggest impact we can for Quarter 2.
A New Hope Week 8 Answers will be posted on mini game board next to the vending machines.