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Tel: +01.716.484.1148

Virtual Huddles

Virtual Huddle 8/26/2020

Please continue to contain your parts. This is not a punishment, you are helping us get these parts to the finish line!
September is a 5 week month, in order to get to the poorcast of 1.7 million at the end of the month, it is going to take every ounce of effort that we have! 
NOP is showing a positive of $205,000!!!
Late Orders: Hilite, Bleeders, cores, flux washers and sun micro.
Culture Committee: is speaking with consultants off the floor to harness the wisdom of the crowd. Take a look at the success board that is next to the vending machines! Let's work together and have a great September!
Anderson Champions:  Jon Anthony and Matt Satterfield: Thank you for all your help with the DURR!
Safety:  Tote weights are 25 pounds. If you see a tote that is overweight, please notify the safety team.
Remember wear your mask and wash your hands, the pandemic is still out there!