Tel: +01.716.484.1148
Tel: +01.716.484.1148

Virtual Huddles

Virtual Huddle 9/1/2020

Only 5-1/2 Min. Video
If we get over 70 views for the huddle video, we will get an extra Donut Day!
Every day that you come in, make sure that you do your absolute best, and just try!
Please contain your parts! We still need to document if there was an issue with the machine, in case parts get to the customer! This makes containment much much easier!
Late Orders went up, but sales remains the same! Customer are populating orders like crazy!
Need to hit $340,000 a week for the rest of September to hit our sales goal!
Main hitters:
Aluminum Pistons
NOP for Sept:
Andy has updated the First Aid form.  Please use this form to report any Accidents, First Aid, or Near Misses.  Please make sure that you are filling out and getting to your manager if you have a safety issue!
***Incentive for watching the huddle***
If we get over 70 views for the huddle video, we will get an extra Donut Day! Ashley loves donuts, so please watch 😄
Remember to contain your parts!
Wear your mask, wash those hands, and do your absolute best every day!