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Tel: +01.716.484.1148

Virtual Huddles

Virtual Huddle 9/8/2020

Less Than 4-1/2 min Video!  Fastest Yet!
We did not get 70 views for our Donut Day.  Only missed it by 9 views. 
Focus on Late Orders 
Good News, we have a new challenge! 
If we can reduce the late orders on the Alignment Tubes and Bleed Screws to $0 we get our Donut Day!!
  Lets all team up to help out our Dedicated Auto Davenport Cell any way we can!
Late Order Main hitters:
**11400118C Alignment Tubes**
**10500406B Bleed Screws**
Aluminum Pistons
One benefit to reducing Late orders is Reducing Premium Freight on the Profit Leak Line of the Scoreboard.
Focus on Machine Up-Time 
It's approx. $1 lost every minute a machine is down.
Strive to run the machines to the Buzzer everyday.
Example:  If all of Davenport shuts down just 5 min. early everyday it a $50,000 lost to the scoreboard yearly!
Total opportunity for sales this month is $1.9 million.
Lets reduce those Late Orders and increase machine Up-Time!!
NOP for Sept:
Tote Safety:
Seated totes are to be stack no more than 10 high.
Unseated totes should be stacked no more that 6 high.
Never mix unseated totes and seated totes together.  This could make it top heavy.
Tote weight can not exceed 25 lbs.
***Incentive to reduce Late Orders***
If we can reduce the late orders on the Alignment Tubes and Bleed Screws to $0 we get a Donut Day!!
Increase machine Up-Time!
Every day that you come in, make sure that you do your absolute best, and just try!
Wear your mask, wash those hands, and do your absolute best every day!